Bruiseless Lyrics by Arlo Parks, from the album “My Soft Machine“, music has been produced by Arlo Parks, and Bruiseless song lyrics are penned down by Arlo Parks.

Bruiseless Lyrics

I wish I was bruisless
Almost everyone I love has been abused, and I am included
I feel so much guilt that I couldn’t guard more people from harm
If you listen to Luma, there’s lumps in my head I struggle to smooth
The person I love is patient with me
She’s feeding me cheese and I’m happy
Like a [?] rip by the chain of a dirtbike
I wish I was seven and blameless
Going over the handlebars
Pollen sniffling over grazes
I just wish that my eyes were still wide


Song: Bruiseless
Artist: Arlo Parks
Album: My Soft Machine (2023)
Music: Arlo Parks
Lyrics: Arlo Parks

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