Hey there, I want to tell you about a cool song called “Contigo En La Distancia Lyrics” by an artist named Ángela Aguilar. It’s part of an album called “Bolero,” released in 2024. while the lyrics were by Ángela Aguilar. So, if you’re into music, this might be something you’d enjoy checking out!

Contigo En La Distancia Lyrics

No existe un momento del día
En que pueda apartarme de ti
El mundo parece distinto
Cuando no estás junto a mí

No hay bella melodía
En que no surjas tú
Ni yo quiero escucharla
Si no la escuchas tú

Es que te has convertido
En parte de mi alma
Ya nada me consuela
Si no estás tú también
Más allá de tus labios
Del sol y las estrellas
Contigo en la distancia amado mío

Es que te has convertido
En parte de mi alma
Ya nada me consuela
Si no estás tú también
Más allá de tus labios
Del sol y las estrellas
Contigo en la distancia amado mío



Song: Contigo En La Distancia
Artist: Ángela Aguilar
Album: Bolero (2024)
Lyrics: ​​​​​​Ángela Aguilar

These lyrics express a deep sense of longing and attachment. The singer talks about how they can’t separate themselves from their loved one, feeling incomplete when apart. The absence of their beloved makes the world seem different, highlighting their immense presence in the singer’s life. They describe how their lover has become an integral part of their soul, and nothing brings comfort without them. The mention of distant lips, the sun, and stars signifies the profound connection surpassing physical proximity. In essence, the lyrics convey the powerful bond and yearning the singer feels for their beloved, even across distance.

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