Hey there, I want to tell you about a cool song called “Right This Way Lyrics” by an artist named ​Erika de Casier. It’s part of an album called “Still,” released in 2024. The music for this track was created by Erika de Casier, while the lyrics were a collaboration between Erika de Casier. So, if you’re into music, this might be something you’d enjoy checking out!

Right This Way Lyrics

It’s gonna be a lot of fun

Oh oh oh
Welcome to my party
That’s funny hey
Say hello to everybody
That’s funny babe
How you doing?
Yes right this way
Huh huh hmm
That’s funny babe
Right this way

Let’s go
Do you like it like that?
Do you like it like that?
Do you like it like that?
Do you like it like that?
Do you like it like that?
Right this way


Song: Right This Way
Artist: Erika de Casier
Album: Still (2024)
Music: Erika de Casier
Lyrics: Erika de Casier

“Right This Way Lyrics” by Erika de Casier is a lively song welcoming you to a party atmosphere. With upbeat rhythms and catchy phrases, it sets a vibrant mood. The lyrics invite you to join in the excitement, saying hello to everyone and enjoying the moment. It’s about embracing the fun and energy around you. The repetition of “Do you like it like that?” adds to the groove, making you feel part of the celebration. Erika de Casier’s collaboration shines through, creating a track that’s both catchy and inviting. So, if you’re up for a good time, this song is your perfect invitation!

  • Erika de Casier is the artist behind the song “Right This Way Lyrics.”
  • The song is part of her album titled “Still,” released in 2024.
  • Erika de Casier composed the music for the track.
  • The lyrics of “Right This Way” were a collaborative effort by Erika de Casier.
  • The song invites listeners to join in a lively party atmosphere.
  • It features upbeat rhythms and catchy phrases.
  • The lyrics welcome everyone to the party and encourage them to enjoy themselves.
  • The repetitive phrases add to the song’s groove and energy.
  • Overall, “Right This Way” is a fun and inviting track perfect for celebrations and good times.

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