You Have Bought Yourself a Boat (Live) Lyrics by MJ Lenderman, from the album “And the Wind (Live and Loose!)“, and You Have Bought Yourself a Boat (Live) song lyrics are penned down by MJ Lenderman.

You Have Bought Yourself a Boat (Live) Lyrics

It’s plain to me to see
You have bought yourself a boat
Since the last time you and me spoke
Your laundry looks so clean
Soft threads hanging and relaxing in the wind
You’ll feel so much better
When you wear these clothes again, clothes again

The waves ruin the beach house
Every year on your birthday
They gave this hurricane your human name
How many more bug bites
And other subtle misfortunes can I withstand tonight?
Someone snuck their mothballs in my headlights

The neighbors arе cussing
And throwing shit in the yard
While echoеs of the minor leagues
Tumble down the road


Song: You Have Bought Yourself a Boat (Live)
Artist: MJ Lenderman
Album: And the Wind (Live and Loose!) (2023)
Lyrics: MJ Lenderman

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